Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Our precious memories should be cared for

We always remember the most precious and happiest moments of our lives. What your mind thinks of is what you love. What you cant spend one day not thinking about is what you love. Love is action more that words. It despairs while you are in despair and lift you up. It gives you joy because of giving. It lets you be yourself. Love goes beyond obligation and responsibility. It is firmness and making a stand for those who you care for. It is unwavering. And, there is love that just waits to be cared for and to be nurtured, just like a baby. Then there are those who are ill and need caring. Just like our pets, who wait for their food and drink, we have to care for those who are dependent on us. When it is love, it is not a burden. These are the times of our lives that make us go into the depths of our hearts as we seek more than what money can buy - which is love and someone that we love - and those unforgettable moments of happiness shared - that even when you need MemoPlus like I do, should not be forgotten